Sanmotoonge Coffee 산모퉁이 & Baeksasil Valley – Buam-dong Seoul

There is more than one way to spell Sanmotunggi / Sangmotoongi / Sanmotoonge in English (산모퉁이) so take your pick! It’s located up in the hills of Buam-dong in the northern part of Seoul.

Baeksasil Valley trail

I started my day with a small hike along the Baeksasil Valley trail (백사실계곡) in Buam-dong. I started near Segeomjeong Pavillion (세검정) which is next to a stream and bridge. Nearby, I bought a kimbab for a picnic. Then I threaded my way through a few back streets and onto the trail. You’ll pass a small temple over a stream called Hyeontongsa Temple (현통사). From there you keep heading up into the forest. Along the way in a clearing is the remains of a pond and the foundations of a country residence of some historical figures! It’s called the Baekseokdongcheon Ruins (백석동천 유적). It’s a peaceful spot for a picnic.

There are a few walking options from there so I walked the trail that seemed to take me the most eastwards towards where I knew the coffee shop was. It’s mainly along a stream and all forested. Towards the end are small pieces of farmland. After that are some houses which lead to a small road that goes up to a main road. I followed my Naver Map app through some lovely houses in the hills of Buam-dong; it seems like a really nice place to live.

Sanmotoongi Coffee

The entrance to Sangmotoongi has a yellow VW Beetle parked out front. For some reason I can’t find photos of it… It’s has an interesting interior with a few floors with nooks for sitting in and lots of windows. There’s a small terrace on the top floor. The main terrace is the garden area down some steps from the coffee counter. From there you can sit and can see the slopes of Bugaksan (북악산) and the city wall, as well as the village below. Walking along the wall up Bugaksan is a nice workout if you fancy it! I sat reading in the shade of a tree.

From the garden you can walk around to the left and down some stairs into the basement of the building. It’s a whole new area, a museum of all sorts; toys and other bits-and-bobs. Quite interesting.

Some photos from my first time here on June 5th 2017:

Segeomjeong Pagoda:

Sanmotunggi / Sangmotoongi 산모퉁이:

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