Seoul Trail Dullegil 2.0 Trails 9, 10

서울둘레길 2.0 Trails 9, 10

– To my Seoul Trail main page.
To the official Seoul Trail website.

These are the Daemosan & Guryongsan mountains, and Umyeonsan mountain parts of the trail and together totals about 18.3km. Below are links to the routes on Naver Maps:
Trail 9
Trail 10

Trail 9 starts at Suseo station. I started walking at 8:45. There was a 50m detour at the entrance due to some park construction (new steps) but then I was up and on my way. Barefoot walkers I encountered today outnumbered those with shoes! In an hour, the count was 11 hikers with shoes 24 without! There was a banner in the forest talking about barefoot walking and the trail was many flat dry dirt, so perhaps this is a well-known place for barefoot hiking. I’ve seen it on other trails too, even on higher, rockier places but never to this extent. There were a few pairs of seemingly-abandoned shoes under benches which obviously belong to the barefoot hikers that didn’t want to carry their shoes; lot’s of trust!

This trail ran on the north side of Daemosan and Guryongsan mountains. It was well shaded but a little tough because of the ups and down. I stopped for my sandwich by a couple of tiny buddha statues. I was still hungry after, though!

By the time I got to the start of Trail 10, I was pretty hungry. I found myself a city bike (Ddareunggi) then headed to a likely place for food. I round katsu topped rice place.

Seoul Citizens’ Park was very pleasant and I could easily have stopped for a picnic and a read there! Onto the mountain part, there was more forest, some boardwalk construction, and a few army trenches. The end of the trail took me through some farmland and into Sadang. Unfortunately the last stamp booth’s stamps had no ink; I’ll have to return with my own inkpad! I decided to call it a day and headed back home from Sadang Station.

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